Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clay, Jennifer, Madeline & Fulton

While we were in St Andrews taking care of wedding details, Clay, Jennifer, Madeline and Fulton were in Paris and then on to London to see a few sites! The grandchildren were really excited! I will add more pictures as I get them.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Off We Go!

We traveled to Scotland August 12, 2010 for Alexa's wedding which was August 21. We are standing in front of our Lookout Mountain home. Charlotte is carrying the dress which we will carry on the plane.
Natalia took this picture for us.

Charlotte driving over the Firth of Fourth Bridge! It certainly seems strange with the steering wheel on the right side of the car as well as driving on the left side of the road. It makes for a stressful drive.

We stayed at the David Russell Apartments which are on the campus of the University of St Andrews. Our apartment had 5 bedrooms, each with a bathroom. We also had a small kitchen and seating area.

We stayed in the Forbes Building of the apartment complex on the second floor. Susan & Wayne, Ruth & Mickey along with David stayed in the apartment across the hall from us. This was very convenient!

Charlotte & Jimmy on the Old Course

Alexa looking at the Rusacks Hotel from the other side of the Old Course, 18th hole.
The bleachers are still up from the British Open

Caddie Pavilion at the Old Course

British Golf Museum

Rio Piedro Quail Hunt

Each year we meet up with several friends at Annie and Bill Atchison's Rio Piedro Plantation in Camila, GA for catching up on our lives and a lot of quail hunting. Their place is beautiful and the food is always outstanding. This is something we look forward too each year!

Nancy, Annie, Mary & Charlotte

Flushing a covey

Frank, Jimmy & Barksdale

Highland Photos

Highlands, North Carolina

Last year, our good friends the Derricks, invited us to spend the weekend with them at their cabin in Highlands, NC. Unfortunately, I just have shots of things I would like to replicate at our cabin at Allen Springs.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wardlaw Family

We have started this as a place to record our lives in photos and words. It will not be in sequential order as we plan to post old family photos on this site and that will happen as time allows. I look forward to sharing with everyone!